Make the most out of your digital the content seamlessly.

Clout Directory is a free service that allows influencers to aggregate their online presence within a single platform. Designed to help you earn more with your digital content, gather valuable insights and build better online relationships with ease.
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Image of a hand holding an iPhone with the Clout Directory app open
Image of a hand holding an iPhone with the Clout Directory app open

Trusted by world-class creators

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed ullamcorper augue sed ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat massa pretium sed.”

How it works

Sign up

Request access to join the network for free and set up your preferences instantly with just a few clicks.

Get verified

Provide us with few verification documents to start publishing your content and receiving online payments.

Start earning!

After your platform is configured and published, share your link with your followers and start earning.

Curate your user experience based on your content

Clout Directory gives you full control over how your platform is designed. After deciding on your ideal layout, we'll help you populate your dedicated platform with content from all your digital assets as well as affiliate offers from the brands you've selected.
Screenshot of the applicationMultiple screenshots of components of the application
Screenshot of the application

Publish your platform and share it with your audience to get paid!

Feature exclusive content or pull existing content from your publishing channels like YouTube, TikTok or Instagramto unlock your full earning potential. Your visitors will be able to download your platform like a mobile app to boost your engagement.

South Africa's first cash-back program for influencers and content creators is finally here.

After your first 6 months of service, you'll receive a membership card which gives you access to exclusive deals, promotions and cash-back rewards whenever you shop at a participating outlet.
Influencer holding sponsored clothing
Influencer holding sponsored skin care product
Influencer holding sponsored products
Flatlay image of sponsored product
Influencer wearing sponsored clothing
Influencer wearing sponsored clothing


How does this platform work, in simple terms?

Clout Directory allows you to get your own website with a customized domain (e.g to showcase the products and brands you recommend to your followers. Promote your site, make it easier for your followers to shop your recommendations and earn money on qualifying purchases while doing it!

What are the requirements to join the marketplace as an influencer?

Influencers across any category can join the marketplace. Currently you must have a YouTube channel, Instagram or Twitter account to qualify. We look at the number of followers and other engagement metrics of your social media presence when you sign up.

What is my minimum amount of followers required to share my insights?

There is no minimum amount of followers required to share your insights. Ideally, to make the insights more insightful, we recommend aiming for 1,000 followers.

How long does a brand have access to my Instagram insights and can I remove the brand’s access to my insights?

Through your Social Connect account, you’ll be able to manage which brand is able to access your insights. You’ll also be able to disconnect your insights anytime you like.

What insights from my Instagram account am I actually sharing with the brand?

Only after you grant permission, the brand will be able to see your Audience Insights which you can find within your Instagram account. We also provide a snapshot of your data your sharing within your Social Connect account.

Who can access my Instagram data?

Only the brands who you specifically give permission to. No other brand will be able to see your audience insights unless you provide them with your permission.

How do you handle my personal data? Do you have access to my password?

The Clout Directory mobile app securely connects directly to Facebook in order to retrieve these insights. This ensures that all your insight data is stored via Facebook platform and not directly on Social Connect.

Could this have a negative impact on my reach on Instagram?

This will definitely have no impact whatsoever on your reach on Instagram. The Social Connect app simply is a ‘read only’ which means we have no control over posts or stories.

Will you be able to post posts on behalf of my account or make any other actions such as comments?

Similar to what was mentioned above. The Social Connect is ‘read only’, which essentially means we will never be able to do any actions such as posting or commenting on behalf of your Instagram account.

What will you do with my data after I connect my Instagram account?

We will only share your post and audience insights to brands that you have given permission to.

Why should I use Clout Directory?

Clout Directory makes your life 
easier, more secure and trustworthy for both parties. Sending screenshots can be time consuming, however Social Connect leads to more successful collaborations between you and the brand.

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